Matt Jones
Life & Medicare Specialist

Levi Janacaro
Life & Health Insurance Advisor

Katrina Glidewell
Life & Health Insurance Advisor
What happens if you get injured?
Who will provide for your family?
Will your income still be there if you are physically unable to work?
Is your income guaranteed to continue?
What is your plan if you become disabled?
Will government-assisted disability income be enough?
"Our ongoing need for advice and direction regarding insurance, social security, and IRS matters was handled skillfully and caringly. We have the highest regards for Glidewell ."
Consider the following statistics:
25% of 20-year-olds will suffer from a disability before reaching 67 years old.
only 5% of disability claims fall under Workers' Compensation, leaving 95% not covered.
illnesses account for 90% of disabilities, not accidents.
65% of Americans would not be able to afford normal living expenses for a year if they became disabled.
Therefore, disability insurance may be just as crucial as life insurance, particularly if your family relies on your income.